Home automation with Arduino Arduino Project Hub
Table of Content Lighting Control Simulation program can we drive a electric fan How have you connected the DTMF based home automation This circuit mainly consists of the following components. PHP and MySQL Project on School Management System School Management System is a mini php project that is used to keep and maintain the complete record of Students. In this mini project is to provides keep the record of students, courses, attendance, fees. You can show the models the components of School Automation System. Home security products like doorbell cameras, security cameras, and motion detectors are all available with built-in connectivity. They allow you to monitor your home no matter where you are. Connect the HC-05 with Arduino UNO as given in the circuit diagram. TXD pin of HC-05 goes to RX of the RXD pin of HC-05 goes to TXD of the Arduino Uno. Turn on the Bluetooth of your smartphone and search for Bluetooth devices. In circuit diagram at Q1 LIGHT is connected, at Q2 FAN ...